Today several MIL-STD-1553 data bus systems are in full use. To better understand the slight differences between these systems, this section consists of several tables comparing performance characteristics of MIL-STD-1553B and several aircraft specifications (e.g., A-10, F-16, F-18, and B-52). Most 1553 applications will require an aircraft specification in addition to MIL-STD-1553B to allow the aircraft designer a method of identifying the applicable options of the standard. Prior to MIL-STD-1553B these aircraft specifications provided the appropriate level of detail, since earlier versions of the standard were unclear in several critical design areas. Each of these parameters can be examined on a comparative basis using these tables.
A thorough paragraph-by-paragraph analysis of MIL-STD-1553B is given in Section II, where differences between A and B and the reasons for various requirements are discussed.